bedaksejuk's comeback
setelah bebrapa bulan menghilang,,finally bedak sejuk is back with a lot of stories..
where should I start this post?ok,,first of all,,bedaksejuk dh hmpir 3 bln menjalani praktikal..
as I said earlier on my last post,,I'm together with the kids right now...
but times goes faster than I thought...It will comes to the end soon,,in 1 more week..
bedak sejuk sgt takut utk hadapi hari perpisahan tu...
nk cter psl precious memory n experience kt cni mmg byk..
start dr mase mengaja dlm kelas,gurau senda ngn murid2,,saat mengamuk n emosi x stabil..
semua ni akn jadi kenangan yg sgt ssh nk dilupakan...
selama ni memori dgn kwn2 tapi ni laen,,dgn budak2..
nakal?bising?x dgr ckp?suke main?yes!they are.....
but,,the bitter the things,,the more times needed to forget them..
everyday I meet them..x kire la kt mne klau dh nmenye ade skola...
2 Cemerlang,,bedaksejuk mengaja kelas ni..English...
nakal?yup,,,kdg2 dgr ckp,,kdg2 x lgsg...bedaksejuk kdg2 smpai x trkata..
they make me angry,,but sometimes they make me smile...
mase xkn berundur...kenangan yg akan kekal..
bedaksejuk kene g jaga bdk mkn kt kantin...
byk lagi nk cter...
tggu next post ok...
salam syg dr cikgu praktikal~~
where should I start this post?ok,,first of all,,bedaksejuk dh hmpir 3 bln menjalani praktikal..
as I said earlier on my last post,,I'm together with the kids right now...
but times goes faster than I thought...It will comes to the end soon,,in 1 more week..
bedak sejuk sgt takut utk hadapi hari perpisahan tu...
nk cter psl precious memory n experience kt cni mmg byk..
start dr mase mengaja dlm kelas,gurau senda ngn murid2,,saat mengamuk n emosi x stabil..
semua ni akn jadi kenangan yg sgt ssh nk dilupakan...
selama ni memori dgn kwn2 tapi ni laen,,dgn budak2..
nakal?bising?x dgr ckp?suke main?yes!they are.....
but,,the bitter the things,,the more times needed to forget them..
everyday I meet them..x kire la kt mne klau dh nmenye ade skola...
2 Cemerlang,,bedaksejuk mengaja kelas ni..English...
nakal?yup,,,kdg2 dgr ckp,,kdg2 x lgsg...bedaksejuk kdg2 smpai x trkata..
they make me angry,,but sometimes they make me smile...
mase xkn berundur...kenangan yg akan kekal..
bedaksejuk kene g jaga bdk mkn kt kantin...
byk lagi nk cter...
tggu next post ok...
salam syg dr cikgu praktikal~~